Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Three Benefits of Learning from Home

Education is everyone's right, and if you're thinking of getting that practical college degree, but life seems to be standing in the way, there is hope. A program taken by distance learning in Toronto allows you to experience all the benefits of college education without having to come to campus. Courses in distance learning can eliminate barriers to success. If it's an issue of time, money, or other life commitments, you can still get your learning in.

Online education has struggled with its reputation in the past, but if it comes from a school like Centennial College, a solid community college with proper day classes, then you can be assured that you're receiving the same quality experience, only from the comfort of your own home. There's a few benefits to receiving your education in your personal living space, but it can really be narrowed down to three factors.

Flexibility is the name of the game when it comes to distance learning, and learning from home enables that flexibility. Instead of pulling both late nights and early mornings, you can catch the regulation seven-to-nine hours of sleep whenever you can, and start and finish that education at whatever time of day you're ready. There's other time benefits, too. If you weren't going to distance learn, and your plan was still to live at home, making the trip to campus is no longer a concern. Not having to commute to and from school can save you hours both ways, particularly in the GTA, freeing up massive chunks of your schedule. This links into the second major factor.

Time is money, after all, and not having to make that commute will save you one way or another, be it through gasoline, parking spots or Metropasses. On top of that, you'll be bypassing all the little expenses that come with campus life. No need to, for example, rent a locker, or buy a new school bag. In addition, you'll never be tempted to subsist off of fast food, or anything else pre-made. Groceries will always be cheaper than what you can buy on-site, and you'll never have to worry about making your lunch the night before.

On the flip side of the transportation argument, if you were planning on living on campus, moving out can be strenuous. If it's your first time away from home, you'll have new responsibilities, and new worries. School should be your first focus, and distance education lets it be your only focus, with the familiar comforts of home there to allow you to put your mind to your sole task of getting that relevant, career-building education.

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