This wide range of topics is just one of the advantages of studying to be a truck technician at Centennial College. Also advantageous is the fact that the Truck and Coach Technician program only takes two years to complete and sees students graduate with Ontario College Diploma as well as all of the qualifications needed to enter the field. Upon completing training at Centennial College and in addition to becoming a Truck and Coach Technician, students can also enter positions such as service writer/ advisor, service manager, college teacher/ industry teacher and truck or coach company representative.
And, the advantages don’t end there. The Truck and Coach Technician program is presented in a unique three eight-month-segment format. During the first eight months, students study on campus in the courses mentioned above. Centennial College’s Ashtonbee Campus is home to the Truck and Coach Technician training program. It houses the province’s largest transportation training centre at which students get to train on truck and coach assemblies in fully-equipped labs. They also get to try the latest tools that they will encounter in the field. The second segment is the co-op feature during which students work as registered apprentices at industry locations. This allows them the opportunity to apply to real-life what they learned on campus, gain new knowledge from professionals and network. The final eight-month segment has students return to campus to complete the in-school requirements.
Truck and Coach Technician applicants must have completed an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or General Educational Development (GED) or equivalent. In addition, they must have the English 12 C or U or equivalent or skills assessment. Lastly, they may also be required to present a resume and questionnaire that describes you experience and aptitude. Successful applicants must be eligible to work in Ontario and have an Ontario driver’s license.