Monday, December 29, 2014

How to Build a Media Portfolio

Perhaps more so than any other profession, getting a job in the media field requires a showcase of your work. While media covers a broad swath of jobs, including writer, photographer, game designer, animator, performer and videographer, the general idea is the same. In order for you to get your career going as a creator, you need to first demonstrate proof that you can create by showing what you have created. There's no better way to do this than creating a portfolio of your work, something college media programs enable you to do. Here's a few things you can do to create one.

Take a Post-Grad Program
If you've already taken a media program, but either don't have enough content to make a portfolio, or simply want more, you can participate in a postgrad at a school like Centennial College, which offers post graduate Bachelor's Degree Programs that each emphasize one strain of media, with an emphasis on creating content, essential for making something you can show off to prospective employers, which these programs will also work to connect you to.

Make use of your school's resources
If you're at a good institution, you won't have to build this portfolio on your own. Your program may have a segment dedicated to putting one together, and if it doesn't, your instructors will gladly help you out. In addition, your school's career centre will likely be able to give you help as well, since they'll be particularly well-versed in the needs of employers.

Get involved in portfolio-enhancing activities
While in your post-graduate program, join some clubs, and participate in some events related to your field of study. Aside from the valuable social experience and networking opportunities that can result from this, anything you produce from participating in these events and clubs, even photos of you getting involved, can create more material to show off.

Save Everything
Regardless of whether you're in a post-grad or regular program, make sure to save any media you create that looks impressive, so you can show it off later. Or, if it's not in a format you can easily show off, record it somehow, even if you just snap a few photos. The important part is that evidence exists. Aim for the visual whenever possible, too, since that will look most impressive

Make a website
There's plenty of free web hosting clients that can be used to do this, and it becomes all but necessary if the media you make is animated or audio-based. A good, professional website can be used to showcase this work, as well as providing something you can link to on your resume. This doesn't mean you should forgo something nice you can print out and show employers, though, and being able to pull work out on cue during an interview is equally impressive.

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