When obtaining a college education, you want to ensure that the program you choose offers a variety of career options. That is exactly what you'll get by attending Centennial College's Energy Systems Engineering Technician program (as it is officially known), which produces well-trained energy systems technicians to fulfill the demand caused by the widening skilled-labour shortage and quickly advancing technology in the energy sector. This technology includes the adoption of new green building initiatives and many new products that provide ways to implement advanced energy control in commercial and residential structures. Energy systems technicians come up with ways to integrate and use all of these modern sustainable energy technologies in a manner consistent with our urban environments. As such, energy systems technicians are equipped with a range of knowledge across the mechanical, electrical, electronic and automation engineering fields, which sets them apart from other candidates.
It is worth noting that students of Centennial College's offering who want to pursue more education after they complete this energy systems engineering program, have the option to enter year three of the school's Energy Systems Engineering Technology program.
What makes this energy systems technician training truly unique is that it also teaches a unique blend of technical, managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are highly sought after in the industry. Specific topics include: physics, electric circuits, fabrication and installation, electronic devices, digital and power electronics, wind and solar energy, renewable energy system, and more.
Housed at Progress Campus, the energy systems technician offering employs a multi-faceted approach to teaching its students. This approach includes: a strong focus on practical labs to enhance classroom rooms and applied research, development projects to promote innovation skills, and practice on state-of-the-art energy systems. However, the approach would not be as effective if it weren’t for the experienced faculty members who not only teach the future energy systems technicians but also share personal anecdotes, make time for one-on-one and help with networking.
Applicants interested in attending this energy systems engineering program in Toronto must posses at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. They must also have completed the compulsory English 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent and Math 11M or U, or 12C or U, or skills assessment, or equivalent.
In the field, these energy systems technicians serve an important role, as they are responsible for implementing energy solutions for commercial and residential buildings using knowledge of energy systems, energy efficiency and renewable/distributed energy systems. Energy systems technicians may also operate power plants of various sizes; design and maintain heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration units; and work with architectural companies to integrate energy technologies into the latest green buildings. Specific industries in which they are employed include: moulding and casting, integrated circuit packaging, heat exchanger/ boiler design and manufacture and petrochemical processing.
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